‘The Night Before the Night Before Christmas’ brings good cheer in the nick of time!’ Read article here…
Bend playwright aims for a holiday hit – Cricket Daniel hopes ‘The Night Before the Night Before Christmas’ finds an audience beyond Bend. Read article here…
Couple Dating Is Hardly Controversial: But Will You Think It’s Funny? Couple Dating, the locally produced play isn’t necessarily offensive, but it’s humor is a bit on the chiched side. Read article here…
“I laughed so hard it hurt. There were tears of great enjoyment running down my face. But while the very cleverly written fast paced dialogue never allowed a second for boredom, the true brilliance was that there were some very important beneficial messages...
SC Players Comedy “Helen On Wheels” Targets The Heart “Helen on Wheels” really is hell on wheels. Helen Wheeler is the feisty main character of the laugh-out-loud comedy by Cricket Daniel. It is being staged now through March 17 by the Santa Clara Players. Read...
The Source Weekly: The first three plays written by Cricket Daniel evoke a feeling more than they inspire emotion. The feeling of watching an 8-10 pm sitcom block with family, sprawled out on the couch, after a giant dinner. Her characters are archetypical with...